LESSON AS A MEANS OF PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION OF STUDENTS (on the example of the discipline of pre-conscription initial military training of youth)

Numonova Dildor Umurzokovna, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Ruzimurotova Umida Khamzaevna Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, student


  • Нумонова Дилдор Умурзоқовна


student, professional self-awareness, career guidance, professional interest, lesson, lesson plan, motivation, career choice, career guidance consultation


Introductory information / relevance. The issue of professional orientation of students is one of the important tasks set by the Administration and the Government of Uzbekistan for teachers and educators. The effectiveness of career guidance for students at school is determined by the fact that this work is organized based on their interests, abilities and personal professional plans. This helps them make the right decision about their future professional path - whether they will continue their education or pursue the professional activities they have acquired. In this article, on the example of teaching the discipline of pre-conscription initial military training of youth, the role and possibilities of the lesson are highlighted as a tool for guiding students to a profession.


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